10:00 AM EDT
09:00 PM EST
About Our Auction
This is an auction to promote the continued success of Ann Coleman Gallery and the efforts to rebuild Wilmington. To read more please click on: "About Our Organization".
By clicking on one of the auction items it will lead you to steps to participate in the auction. Please feel free to call me if you're having any challenges with the web site. Good luck!
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About Ann Coleman Gallery
I am a long time Vermont resident who focuses on Vermont landscapes and garden images, portraiture & commissioned work. My wonderful, newly renovated gallery in downtown Wilmington, Vermont was a total loss to Hurricane Irene in August of 2011, along with 38 of my originals and over 400 of my prints. For the past 9 months I have been managing and showing at the Ann Coleman Gallery: An Artists' Collective Space at 7 North Main Street, Wilmington, VT. My current energy is going towards a number of commissioned paintings and planning out my next steps towards my future Ann Coleman Gallery.
I appreciate your interest in my images from my beautiful home state of Vermont.
www.AnnColemanGallery.com is a new website that is going live the same day as this auction and will be growing steadily over time.
Here is a link to my interview in August, 2011, with ABC News after Hurricane Irene (you will need to copy and paste into your browser):
Raffle Tickets can be purchased as well, for $50 each, for the priceless, Irene survival, Limited Edition Giclée Print: “Wilmington, Vermont: Autumn” #33/150.
Framed outer dimension: 20x42 with (new) double museum matting.
RAFFLE DRAWING PARTY: Saturday, November 23, 6-8PM
@ Vermont Country Properties Sotheby’s International Realty,
24 West Main Street, Wilmington, VT
All are welcome. You do not need to be present to win.
Please contact me to purchase a raffle ticket: artyani@together.net or call or send a check for $50. along with your email to:
Ann Coleman
437 Maple Drive
Whitingham, VT 05361
I will be sending out an email one the November 24 to all participants identifying the winning ticket.