04:00 PM CDT
11:45 PM CDT
About Our Auction
This auction is an opportunity to raise the capital needed to complete our campaign for a new building. Our new center will enable us to serve more clients and grow our program offerings. With more than double the space, FirstLook’s new center will have the necessary resources and staff to help more parents choose life!
FirstLook has been awarded a “challenge” grant from the Mabee Foundation for $160,000. This grant will double the impact of your contribution to our campaign for a new building! Thanks to generous Friends of FirstLook like you, we are only $84,100 away from receiving the grant.
About FirstLook Sexual Health & Pregnancy Center
FirstLook is a sexual health and pregnancy center with the mission of leading Ellis County to embrace life by promoting best sexual health practices and providing family support in the name of Jesus Christ. More than just a medical clinic, FirstLook focuses on holistic care for every client by offering educational programs, counseling, and support groups. Centered around a philosophy of faith, love, and understanding, FirstLook is changing lives one client at a time.