MEBS Wichita Falls 90 Building Fund

Magnolia Exotic Bird Sanctuary
November 2023
06:00 PM CST
December 2023
08:05 PM CST

About Our Auction

Wichita Falls 90 - Building Fund - MEBS has been paying payments on the building brought in for emergency housing for the 90 birds rescued. MEBS needs help to pay for these additional expenses on top of maintaining the health and happiness for the almost 200 resident parrots! Your help is needed and greatly appreciated!
Heartfelt words ️️️ by our volunteer @darcyrosenbaum
"The rescue world is an emotional roller coaster every day. Grief, sadness, anger but most of all love and joy for the ones we can save and the good people who helps us save and care for these incredible birds every day!"

Auction Video

About Magnolia Exotic Bird Sanctuary

With the amount of residents being increased by more than 90 birds (due to the Wichita Falls seizure), we need your help in providing adequate and proper medical care, food, housing, daily services and enrichment. We couldn't do it without YOU! The MEBS volunteers are absolutely the BEST! Many thanks to all the generous donors and bidders ... you help the many beaks of MEBS have a healthy, beautiful, enriched quality of life! Bid, Bid, Bid ... thank you all!

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