09:00 AM PST
09:07 PM PST
Let the good times roll!
We've reached the final day of our online auction, which will close on Friday at 9 pm.
A special note: We have enabled Extended Bidding on this auction. When a bid is entered on an item during the final 3 minutes of the auction, that item will be extended for an additional 3 minutes of bidding. This option should discourage auction "sniping" and encourage you to bid EARLY and bid HIGH for Fairmount Park Elementary!
Thank you for joining the friends of Fairmount Park Elementary to celebrate and support our new school community.
About Fairmount Park Elementary PTA
The Fairmount Park Elementary PTA is a volunteer-run, nonprofit organization that promotes the social, emotional, and academic well-being of all students by working in synchronized collaboration with school families, teachers, and administrators. We raise funds and develop programs that support engaging enrichment opportunities, efficient systems for coordinating volunteers, best practices in education and advocacy, and relevant resources for the Fairmount Park Elementary community.
Featured Items
Lunch Box Art
Ms. Kelly's Class
Principal for a Day
Reserved Parking at FPE
2015-2016 School Year