Team Traci Howard Fundraiser

Team Traci Howard Fundraiser
June 2023
12:30 PM EDT
August 2023
10:04 PM EDT

About Our Auction

Funds will be used to pay medical expenses of Traci Howard.

Life as Traci and her family knew it began to change on Monday, June 12, 2023. On that Monday, Traci underwent emergent treatment for an aneurysm, where her doctors successfully repaired a dissection. After the success of the dissection and spending time in recovery, Traci suffered a spinal stroke in the C2 and C3 areas of the spine. The spinal stroke resulted in partial paralysis on the right side of her body and paralysis on the left side of her body. Traci spent eleven days hospitalized in Memorial Health University in Savannah, Georgia.

Due to the lasting effects of the spinal stroke on Traci’s body, continuing treatment is necessary and without question. Traci will be receiving treatment and rehabilitation at Shepherd Center in Atlanta, Georgia beginning on Thursday, June 22, 2023.

Despite the best efforts of any family, the treatment thus far and the continued treatment Traci will need to not just survive, but thrive, is above the means of any typical family. Traci and her family have been on a journey of the unknown since June 12th. This journey will continue as a part of God’s greater plan and this site is to help offset the financial hardship that follows medical bills and treatment.

It has been said many times by a multitude of people since this journey began that to know Traci, is to love her. If you feel led to contribute and share your love in any way, please know how appreciated you and your efforts are regardless of what they may be…prayer, monetary or words of encouragement.

About Team Traci Howard Fundraiser

When many think of Traci Howard, compassionate, genuine, positive, encouraging, consistent, hardworking, and devoted are a few among many other positively connotated adjectives that come to mind.

For those of you that don’t personally know Traci, please read below to learn more about her.

Traci Bowers Howard is a native of Pierce County, Georgia. Her early life and childhood consist of being the eldest child of Craig and the late Dianne Bowers. Traci learned to live a full, profound life after the passing of her mother and deeply values her time spent with those she loves. She has been tasked with the greatest privilege of being an older sister to Kaley Bowers Bargeron.

In her 36 years of life, Traci has already accomplished many feats.
Starting from adolescents, Traci was the type of friend anyone wished to grow up alongside. From her most impressionable years to present day, Traci can be described as the friend who acts with intention, cares deeply, is all things genuine, considerate, kind and will be there for others no matter what. Because of the way that Traci carries herself in a friendship capacity, she has cultivated lifelong friendships with nearly everyone she meets. As her life continued to unfold, she married the love of her life, Lee Howard in September of 2011. She and Lee started a family following their marriage and have two boys, McCoy (10) and Malone (4). All while starting her family and continuing to work in various roles at Memorial Satilla Health, she followed her dreams of becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner.

She is a current FNP, OBGYN at Memorial Satilla Health.
Traci can be found proud of many things, but her relationship with God, her family, friends, and patients are the most notable. Traci is the epitome of what it means to have a servant’s heart and evidence of this can be seen in her daily actions and encounters with others, no matter if she’s at home with her children and husband, at the workplace or speaking with a complete stranger.

Life as Traci and her family knew it began to change on Monday, June 12, 2023. On that Monday, Traci underwent emergent treatment for an aneurysm, where her doctors successfully repaired a dissection. After the success of the dissection and spending time in recovery, Traci suffered a spinal stroke in the C2 and C3 areas of the spine. The spinal stroke resulted in partial paralysis on the right side of her body and paralysis on the left side of her body. Traci spent eleven days hospitalized in Memorial Health University in Savannah, Georgia.

Due to the lasting effects of the spinal stroke on Traci’s body, continuing treatment is necessary and without question. Traci will be receiving treatment and rehabilitation at Shepherd Center in Atlanta, Georgia beginning on Thursday, June 22, 2023.

Despite the best efforts of any family, the treatment thus far and the continued treatment Traci will need to not just survive, but thrive, is above the means of any typical family. Traci and her family have been on a journey of the unknown since June 12th. This journey will continue as a part of God’s greater plan and this site is to help offset the financial hardship that follows medical bills and treatment.

It has been said many times by a multitude of people since this journey began that to know Traci, is to love her. If you feel led to contribute and share your love in any way, please know how appreciated you and your efforts are regardless of what they may be…prayer, monetary or words of encouragement.

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