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08:30 PM CST
Featured Items

Your chance to win a marvelous auction item!
Buy Now: $20.00

Magic Valley Outdoor Get-A-Way

Name the Sermon
Sermon Delivered in August 2021
Old Town Expedition 17' Canoe

Plane Flight over Houston for 3

Premier Parking Spot
Museum Campus

Southwest Airlines Tickets
2 roundtrip tickets to anywhere Southwest Airlines flies

Surfside Beach House Beachfront

Surfside Beach House Beachfront

Surfside Beach House Beachfront
Annual Services Auction
The First UU auction is a method to both raise money for the church operating budget and to create events that bring us closer together as a community. In past years we have sponsored live events which have been the social event of the year with lots of merry-making while contributing to a great cause. This year's event is delayed, but will offer the same, exicting events as our state and country open up again in 2021.
About First Unitarian Universalist Church
The First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston has been a beacon of liberal religion since 1914 in the most populous city in the southern United States.
We are a member congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Our congregation is affiliated with other Unitarian Universalist (UU) churches around Greater Houston and the world. As people focused on creating what Dr. King called ‘the beloved community,’ we offer our skills, talents and experience to build a more loving, just and peaceful world today.
While aligned in our desire to make a difference for the good, we are diverse in faith, ethnicity, history and spirituality, as well as gender identity and sexual orientation. We encourage members to nurture their spiritual lives with intentionality and pursue the beliefs that most resonate with each of them; we encourage members to think for themselves and ask the difficult questions; we know we need not think alike to love alike