10th Year Anniversary Holiday Giving -Open Dreams!

Open Dreams
December 2023
07:00 AM PST
December 2023
10:00 PM PST
GOAL $3,000.00
60.7% To Goal

About Our Auction

Help us to celebrate 10 years at Open Dreams with our online Holiday silent auction! We have sourced some incredible gifts and services from our Open Dreams scholars themselves, and the wonderful friend, businesses, and family community in and around the San Diego area. We hope you will find something that excites you and make a bid to help us offer housing to internally displaced students in Cameroon, build upon our Aviva Women in Science programs, and hire additional staff to help 200+ more students achieve their dreams!

The auction will close the day after Aviva Day - December 17th, and all funds will be raised to go to Aviva Day celebrations, staffing, and our summer academies!

Auction Video

About Open Dreams

Open Dreams helps high achieving, low income students achieve their dreams! In the last 10 years, we have helped over 200+ scholars get full scholarships to leading universities and summer programs at the world's top universities including Harvard, Princeton, Dartmouth, Oxford, McGill, Ashesi, University of Edinburgh, University of Capetown And more! We also have supported over 200+ pregnant women to receive antenatal care and ultrasounds in the war torn region of NW Cameroon through our Aviva Women in Science programs.

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