Help Steph Afford Top Surgery (Double Mastectomy)

Help Steph Afford Top Surgery
June 2022
09:00 AM MST
June 2022
08:00 PM MST
GOAL $9,000.00
21.2% To Goal

About Our Auction

I have had chronic back pain for the last 20 years. The back pain started from a fall when I was eight years old but has continued because of the weight of my chest. This has resulted in muscle spasms that have required ER visits and the use of muscle relaxers, which do not blend well with my other medications. Even after physical therapy, the muscle spasms have continued and increased in frequency.

I currently require the aid of a full back brace for the majority of the day. I cannot bend over to pick up after my three young children. I cannot reliably stand or sit long enough to cook, or even just make sandwiches. My parents have very kindly provided my family with a house cleaner once a week to help relieve my pain. I require weekly chiropractor visits to be able to do minimal activities.

I have chosen a double mastectomy over a breast reduction. My breasts will continue to grow for the rest of my life. This is called Breast Hypertrophy. I have never dropped a size. I’ve had 4 pregnancies and breastfed 3 children. As is the case with most people who have done this, my chest has grown during these times. As is not the case with most people, my chest never returned to the size it was or even dropped any size. I am now a K cup (circumference of my chest being 11 inches larger than my rib cage). With a double mastectomy, all breast tissue will be removed and I will never have to worry about it growing again!

Despite this surgery largely being for chronic pain reasons, because it is considered a gender-affirming surgery, my insurance will not cover it. Since my insurance thinks you'd only get this surgery for gender specific reasons, I'll include a little of my dysphoria as well. I identify as a transgender, non-binary person. Non-binary means that I do not identify as a woman nor a man, but simply as a person. My chest is a constant reminder that no matter how I feel on the inside, I will always be seen as a woman instead of just a person, on the outside. Every time my chest causes pain, my dysphoria reminds me that I am seen as a woman, not a simple person. No matter how good my support system is, how accepting and loving and wonderful my husband, family, and friends are, no matter how much I know that I am not a fraud because of my gender identity, my chest is the source of the mental pain of feeling like an imposter.

The surgeon that I am using requires payment in full on August 4, 2022. The surgery will be on September 1, 2022. Thank you for helping me regain control over my life and reduce the constant pain that is keeping me from living.

You can read more about Breast Hypertrophy here where a double mastectomy is recommended:

About Help Steph Afford Top Surgery

Hi, I'm Steph. I am in chronic pain. I need a double mastectomy (top surgery) to reduce pain this fall. I need help paying for it. I am asking for your help in ensuring that I can get this necessary surgery because my insurance will only cover a breast reduction. If you don’t see anything in this auction, or get outbid, you can also donate here:

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