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About Our Auction
United Way Oxford is focused on changing lives and building stronger communities.
United Way Oxford connects people with the opportunities they need to build a better life. Together with donors, volunteers and partners we are creating lasting change and a brighter future for everyone.
We are committed to ensuring our community is a place where everyone is accepted and feels valued. We are working with new investment strategies to ensure continued successes in the areas identified by community members. Investments are focused on poverty, mental health, addictions and youth.
To learn more, please visit www.unitedwayoxford.ca
About United Way Oxford
United Way Oxford is focused on changing lives and building stronger communities.
United Way Oxford connects people with the opportunities they need to build a better life. Together with donors, volunteers and partners we are creating lasting change and a brighter future for everyone.
We are committed to ensuring our community is a place where everyone is accepted and feels valued. We are working with new investment strategies to ensure continued successes in the areas identified by community members. Investments are focused on poverty, mental health, addictions and youth.
To learn more, please visit www.unitedwayoxford.ca