What's In A Name + Logo?
For Steve and Curt, 32auctions has come to represent something very important to them: Family. Steve has 3 children, Curt has 2 children, and 32auctions is a silent auction platform. Tying that together, they arrived at the name 32auctions.
Steve and Curt created 32auctions to help people raise money for causes near and dear to their hearts. Helping others positively impact their cause was the goal from the very beginning and continues to drive every decision. They placed a heart prominently in the center of their logo to stay focused on the important things in life: family, community, and helping others.
Our History
When Steve's oldest child was in kindergarten, the elementary school PTO held a silent auction fundraiser. Steve and his wife were able to attend the event and participate in the silent auction. For a while after this experience, Steve kept thinking about all the inefficiencies in this type of fundraiser and was determined to find a better way.
In 2008, Steve and Curt were co-workers at a Fortune 500 company with aspirations to do more, so they started exploring business ideas. During an idea pitch session, Steve brought up his silent auction experience, along with ideas for improvement, and Curt was immediately on board. Steve and Curt then formed 32auctions, determined to build a product which would solve the inefficiencies with traditional silent auctions and help causes maximize their fundraising potential.
Little did they know, this experience was going to lead them to a passion for helping people with their fundraising endeavors. Now, many years later, Steve and Curt beam with pride when thinking about all the communities around the globe which are being positively impacted by money raised through 32auctions.