12:30 PM MST
06:00 PM MST
About Our Auction
Stallion Auction Terms & Conditions
Bidding starts at 50% of the advertised stud fee, unless otherwise specified by the stallion owner
The winning bidder fully understands and agrees to deal with the stallion owner or manager on all matters related to breeding his/her mare.
The Alberta Stock Horse Association will not mediate between parties if issues arise and will be held harmless in such matters.
Winning bidder fully understands all the fees outside of the stud fee, including but not limited to chute fees, shipping fees, mare care, veterinarian care and more are not included in the winning bid and will be paid to the stallion management/owner and these prices vary by stallion. Other fees may vary in price and currency depending on stallion.
The stallion services purchased through the Alberta Stock Horse Association auction are intended for the upcoming breeding season only. In the event of a missed breeding due to unforeseen circumstances, the purchaser can contact ASHA with explanation of circumstance and valid proof of missed breeding. Breeding will then be honored for the following year ONLY, and foal will be eligible for that years 3-year-old Futurity incentive money. Breeding MUST be used the next year to still be eligible for the incentive.
Breeding terms and stallion availability are as specified by the stallion owner’s breeding contract.
The breeding is not transferable unless approved by the stallion owner.
All bids for the stallion service alone on this site are quoted and payable in Canadian dollars.
All stallions will have a minimum bid unless otherwise stated by the stallion owner.
Payment is required before bidder name will be released to stallion management as the official winner of the stud fee. No exceptions.
Offspring incentive nominations are due prior to July 31 of an offspring’s three-year-old year. A late fee of $500 will be required for all nominations received after July 31. Payment due at time of nomination. This late fee will be put into Futurity Incentive payout.
Non-contributed stallion-buy in: Stallion stud fee plus $500 annually until the Futurity year.
Payout is as follows: The highest money earning eligible 3 year old offspring to show at our Futurity will earn 30% of the stallion auction proceeds. This 30% will be equally paid (50% each) in the Open and Non-Pro division. The stallion owner of these resulting winners will receive 20% of the stallion auction proceeds. This will be equally paid (50% each) to the sire of Open and Non-Pro winners.
If there are no eligible 3 year olds entered in the incentive, the money will be rolled equally into the next four incentive years payouts.
When a stallion is purchased through the auction, ALL of that year's offspring by that stallion are eligible for the Futurity incentive.
Incentive is payable on ASHA Futurity earnings only.
If there are no earnings received by any of the nominated incentive offspring during the ASHA Futurity, the payout will be decided by high aggregate score.
Payment from the winning bidder or purchaser is due within 24 hours of auction close. If payment is not received within 24 hours, the runner up will be given the opportunity to purchase the breeding at their last bid price. Payment methods listed below.
Payment is accepted through Credit Card (4% charge), e transfer, or cheque.
*Checks can be mailed to;
Alberta Stock Horse Association
27245 TWP 350 Red Deer County, AB T4G 0M4
About Alberta Stock Horse Association
The Alberta Stock Horse Association (ASHA), formerly the Northern Alberta Reined Cow Horse Club, has grown significantly and hosts some of Canada’s largest cow horse shows. Offspring from purchased stallions will be eligible for the ASHA cash incentive, with significant payouts for the highest-earning reined cow horse offspring at our Futurity Finals. With 50% of the stallion auction proceeds creating our Futurity payout. This incentive is the highest in Canada and growing rapidly, this is a great added bonus for both the offspring and the stallion owners. The remaining 50% of the money raised from the auction will continue to provide much needed funds for our club functions. To date, this has been used for funding items and activities such as youth clinics, cattle works, advertising, member givebacks, and added money at our year end Futurity and Derby limited aged events.
Thank you for considering this opportunity to support the growth of the cow horse industry!