04:00 PM EST
03:00 PM EDT
About Our Auction
About Our Auction
Please take a moment to click on "View All Items" to the left. At the top of the next screen, if you are not already logged in, you will find the option to "Login Now" or "Create an Account" to set up your auction account. You do not have to enter payment information until you are ready to purchase an item; however, you must create an account to be able to bid on items in the auction.
Ann Arbor Youth Chorale's Online Auction gives you an opportunity to support Southeast Michigan's Premier Children's Chorus. Your purchases will help support our ongoing operating expenses and allow us to continue to provide our young singers with an outstanding choral experience.
You can add your voice to ours and help us attain our goal of $4,000 by bidding on these great items. Bidding is open to the public! Please send your family and friends to the AAYC website for a link to our Auction.
The "Buy Now" feature allows a bidder to purchase the item at the Buy Now price and closes bidding on the item.
About Ann Arbor Youth Chorale
The Ann Arbor Youth Chorale’s mission is to transform young lives and enhance the cultural life of Southeast Michigan through music education, performance of quality choral music, and collaboration at the highest level of artistic expression – all in a safe, inclusive environment. We operate on the core values of personal and social growth, musical growth, diversity and accessibility, and outreach.
Live Event Information
Our Ann Arbor Youth Chorale In-Person Silent Auction will be held at Zion Lutheran Church, 1501 W Liberty Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48103, on Friday, March 17, 2023, beginning at 7:00 p.m., and runs in conjunction with the Chorale Cabaret. Come and peruse the Auction Items and enjoy the variety of acts presented by members of the Youth Chorale. The In-person Auction will show bid sheets with the latest online bids for each item, to which you can then add your up-bids!
Happy Bidding!