12:00 PM PDT
11:45 PM PDT
About Our Auction
Welcome to Art Swaggers' Silent Auction!
Please consider participating in Art Swaggers' 13th Annual Silent Auction. Art Swagger is a signature industry inspired event that raises awareness and visibility for the art, design & local artist industry in Los Angeles. Art Swagger brings together Los Angeles industry leaders to showcase local artists, new and emerging industry designs, trends, and raise money for a great cause.
100% of the auction proceeds from this event go directly to Free Arts LA programs and services. Free Arts uses art to restore hope, resiliency and self-esteem in children in Los Angeles ages 5-18 who have experienced abuse, poverty, neglect and/or homelessness.
About Free Arts LA
Free Arts uses art to restore hope, resiliency and self-esteem in children in Los Angeles ages 5-18 who have experienced abuse, poverty, neglect and/or homelessness. In addition to making a difference in the lives of children who have experienced trauma, Free Arts also provides programs to children in hospitals and underserved communities that do not have access to art programs.
The mission, values, and purpose of Free Arts focus on uplifting those most impacted by inequity. We remain steadfast in this work while continually examining what more we can do, to not only provide services, but to dismantle the structures and systems that stand in the way of equality, inclusion, and opportunity for every single member of society.
We seek to create a diverse community of inclusion, cultural awareness and acceptance using art as a vehicle and uniting force.