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About Our Auction
Holiday shop while giving back! One Heart Wild's Auction for the Animals is a great way to buy gifts for you, your friends and your family all while helping the over 70 animals who call One Heart Wild home. Support our Sanctuary and the work we do for human and non-human animals alike by bidding on our unique and fun auction items!
About One Heart Wild Sanctuary
Mission: We exist to promote the health, well-being and welfare of humans, animals, and nature through mutually beneficial relationships.
Vision: One Heart Wild Sanctuary envisions a community that inspires healing, kindness, and advocacy through empathic relationships with all life on earth.
The Mission is served by offering the following programs in our community:
1. Outreach to youth at-risk in schools - this includes social and emotional learning with the help of our animal friends, and field trips to the Sanctuary. We take programming to kids in need.
2. Professional Therapeutic Services - this includes nature based, animal/equine assisted therapy, as well as standard therapy services.
3. Animal Sanctuary includes providing permanent homes for the animals who are referred to us by veterinarians, reputable animal rescue organizations, or other human-animal interface organizations. The animals who are transferred to us have their own stories of trauma, abuse, neglect, medical issues, and age issues. Interacting with our volunteers, clients, and patrons is an important part of their healing process.
4. Volunteer program - includes opportunities for people of all ages to support our animal friends here at the Sanctuary and to help out with our events. Senior day is Tuesday. Our vibrant volunteer program is vital to the health of our organization and our animal residents.
5. ROOTS Institute - a certification program for therapists, educators, and people working in the human-animal interface fields, to learn how to provide animal assisted services that are mutually beneficial to the humans and the animals participating. Meets or exceeds 2016 American Counseling Associations Animal Assisted Competencies.
Featured Items
1April's Compassionate Community
Sweet Senior April Recovering From A Health Crisis
Buy Now: $15.00
Artisan Horsehair & Sterling Jewelry
7" Bracelet and earrings
Flower/Mineral Essence For Horses + Essential Oil
Flower Essences Researched by Mary Ann Simonds
Homeschoolers - Teachers - Desert Lovers
7 Film Festival Awards + Companion Book
Love It!
Beautiful Stonework & Metal Work
Metalwork Ring & Bracelet
Mad Marie Art Torch & Tenacity ring & bracelet
Patinated Brass Primitive Horse Earrings
Unique design with beautiful glass beads
Steven Farmer Power Animal Package
Card deck with Guidebook, Eage Candle, Bison Cup
Stunning Vintage Jasper Stone Necklace
Signed by the artist
Turquoise, Jade and Silver
Heirloom quality jewelry