CRZ Auction of Experiences Summer 2023

Citizens for Responsible Zoning (CRZ)
August 2023
09:00 AM EDT
August 2023
09:00 PM EDT

About Our Auction

Citizens for Responsible Zoning (CRZ) is sponsoring an online auction to raise funds to continue to hold Burton Snowboards and Higher Ground accountable for responsible development and authentic community engagement as they push plans for a new 1500 seat music venue on the Burton campus, in Burlington’s south end. CRZ supporters are donating their talents, interests and resources by offering carefully curated, fun and locally-sourced auction “experiences”. These experiences will be sure to entertain and nourish both body and soul, while raising much needed funds!
CRZ is a group of 130 households who live and work in the neighborhoods surrounding Queen City Park Road, and the site of Burton’s campus. CRZ, which operates under the umbrella of The Voice for the Potash Brook Watershed, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, was formed to highlight just how oversized and out of scale this proposed music venue truly is. To that end, CRZ represents surrounding neighborhoods to ensure that the issues of noise, traffic & safety are fully considered and responsibly modified.

For almost 4 years, CRZ has stepped up to voice our concerns about the impact this proposed development will have on the area. We have appeared before the Burlington Development Review Board, joined in the Act 250 process, and, most recently, filed an appeal at the Vermont Superior Court-Environmental Division, arguing that the project as proposed is a remarkably bad fit for a residential area with limited parking, smaller roads, and accessed by a one-lane bridge. Thankfully, this hard work has paid off. The Court has listened and has mandated important conditions that will somewhat mitigate potentially dangerous traffic and excessive late night noise.
But our work is not done!
We will use every dollar raised in this auction to pay for the legal costs required to continue to counter the oversized nature of the proposed venue. We will continue to advocate for responsible development. Please partner with us and bid mightily!! With your help, we know that our success will continue.
CRZ Steering Committee
Doug Goodman, Janice Ellis, Mark Funari, Amy Landauer, Sharon O’Neil, Laurie Smith, Mike Turner

About Citizens for Responsible Zoning (CRZ)

CRZ is a group-over 130 households-of citizens from the neighborhoods surrounding Queen City Park Road where the Higher Ground 1,500 seat music venue is proposed for the Burton campus. CRZ, which is under the umbrella of The Voice for the Potash Brook Watershed, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, was formed to represent surrounding neighborhoods to ensure that the issues of noise, traffic & safety are considered and are part of the conditional use permit and Act 250 approval process.

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