08:00 AM PST
09:00 PM PST
About Our Auction
For the last several years, Fresh & Local, First! has been a co-beneficiary of Oregon State University's Empty Bowls benefit, an event featuring a meal of soup in handmade ceramic bowls and a silent auction. That not being possible this year, we are hosting a different sort of event in partnership with OSU students, an online auction. All funds raised through this auction will be split between Fresh & Local, First! and Oregon State University's campus food pantry.
For more information on Fresh & Local, First! visit: https://freshlocalfirst.wixsite.com/freshandlocal
For more information on Oregon State University's campus food pantry visit: https://blogs.oregonstate.edu/hsrc/2018/02/10/shopping-style-food-pantry-whats-its-like/
About Fresh & Local, First!
Our mission is to make fresh, local food the first choice for all residents of Benton and Linn counties. Fresh fruits and vegetables are necessary for good health, but more expensive than many processed foods of lower nutritional value. We aim to incentivize low income residents to shop at local farmers' markets by doubling the value of their SNAP benefits up to ten dollars.
Featured Items
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