Federal 100th Anniversary Online Auction

The Kinetic Group
June 2022
12:00 PM CDT
June 2022
04:45 PM CDT
GOAL $200,000.00
42.5% To Goal

About Our Auction

This charity auction—both silent and live—that will raise funds for three local organizations. The Anoka Police Department, Feed My Starving Children and the Anoka County Brotherhood Council will all equally benefit from all the funds raised during this event.

Anoka Police Department

The Anoka Police Department was established April 1, 1878 with a mission to maintain the peace and the protection of the public through diligent enforcement of all laws and to effectively respond to calls for service.
The Anoka Police Department has identified three major goals for the police department. Though we may never completely attain these goals, we will always strive to achieve them.
1. Effectively respond to the commission of crime by maintaining a pro-active patrol and investigative unit and by vigorously prosecuting criminals.
2. Educate and communicate with our citizens concerning public safety issues in order to harden potential targets of crime and to draw the citizen and police into a closer working relationship.
3. Instill public confidence in the police department by exercising sound management practices that provide firm direction, commitment to excellence, and a professional working environment whereby officers can deliver police services in an efficient and expedient manner.

Feed My Starving Children
Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) believes hope starts with food. As a Christian nonprofit, FMSC is dedicated to seeing every child whole in body and spirit. FMSC works with food distribution partners that stay with communities for the long haul, empowering them to move from relief to development. FMSC meals are developed by food science and nutrition professionals to supplement nutritional needs and reduce problems with malnutrition. Nutrition allows children to grow, thrive and develop to their full potential.
The FMSC process is simple. Donations given by people just like you fund the meal ingredients. Volunteers hand-pack the meals. Meals are donated to FMSC food partners around the world, where kids are fed and lives are saved!


The Anoka County Brotherhood Council’s (ACBC) mission is to provide emergency food and clothing to local residents in need here in Anoka County while maintaining the dignity of those the organization serves. Founded in 1971 by four women who wanted to help and did so out of their basements, the organization has grown and so far this year more than 5,800 local families have been served and more than 500,000 pounds of food has been distributed.

About The Kinetic Group

The Kinetic Group is a collection of the most trusted,
most respected, and most in demand brands of
ammunition in the world.


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