10:00 AM AEST
04:00 PM AEST
About Our Auction
We are running this silent auction to raise funds for Road Trauma Support Services Victoria in memory of a much loved and missed family member, friend and workmate Jordyn Close, who we all tragically lost on the 15th of May 2021. We are holding a Memorial Day for Jordy at St Andrews Hotel on the 15th of May 2022, to gather together to share memories, reflect on the 1st anniversary and to also raise funds for RTSSV.
About Jordyn Close Memorial Auction For RTSSV
We are running this silent auction to raise funds for Road Trauma Support Services Victoria in memory of a much loved and missed family member, friend and workmate Jordyn Close, who we all tragically lost on the 15th of May 2021. We are holding a Memorial Day for Jordy at St Andrews Hotel on the 15th of May 2022, to gather together to share memories, reflect on the 1st anniversary and to also raise funds for RTSSV.