09:00 AM CDT
08:00 PM CDT
About Our Auction
Since the Pork Chop Dinner had to be cancelled, we are instead holding an online auction with the donations we had received. We realize that these are difficult times for some families. If you are able to purchase an item or make a donation it would be greatly appreciated.
In order to place a bid, you will need to create an account. Click the Login button at the top then the Create account button. Use the buttons at the top to see all auction items or to sort by category. If you aren't a winning bidder, please consider making a donation with the DONATE button. If you are a winning bidder or make a donation, you will be emailed an invoice. Please pay online promptly. No payments will be taken in person.
From July 6-10, items may be viewed at the Kane County Farm Bureau office during regular hours. Purchased and paid items may be picked up at the Farm Bureau from July 13-17. Please observe all safety protocols when visiting the office and support their Vintage Truck Raffle.
Money raised will support programming for all Extension programs including 4-H, Master Gardeners, School Enrichment, Home & Community Education Association and Nutrition & Wellness.
Thank you for your support!
About Kane County 4-H Foundation
Mission Statement
To ensure strong and vital opportunities for positive youth development in Kane County.
Strategic Vision
* Communicate the foundation mission to members, potential members, extension staff,
4-Hers, parent volunteers and community leaders.
* Apply the Foundation’s resources to meet and advance the interests of 4-H youth
development programs.
* Encourage and provide opportunity for all individuals and organizations to contribute to
the financial well-being of 4-H.
* Enhance through external support of the development and education of young people
and adult volunteers.
* Secure and prudently manage foundation assets and investments to provide current and
long range financial support to the 4-II program.
* Provide skills that benefit youth throughout life.
* Foster leadership and volunteerism in youth and adults.
* Strengthen families and communities.