Living a Joyful Life 2024 banner image

Living a Joyful Life 2024

Living a Joyful Life
October 2024
07:00 AM CDT
October 2024
08:30 PM CDT
GOAL $5,000.00
97.6% To Goal

Living a Joyful Life 2024

The Living a Joyful Life Gala brings us together as a community to celebrate the past so we can continue raising funds and support life for the future.

Our 2023 event raised over $4,500 from a combination of ticket sales and our very first Silent Auction. With those funds, we were able to make donations to these 8 ProLife organizations: Minnesota Concerned Citizens for Life, Students for Life, ProLife Action Ministries, Women’s LifeCare Center, Philomena House, Cradle of Hope, Abria & Birthright!

The funding impact to these small nonprofits is really a grassroot effort to reach those in need.

All are being called to support life, no matter what stage it's in. Will you answer the call?

Why Are We ProLife?

At all stages, we believe life is sacred.

Whether it’s at a child’s conception or during a senior's last breath, life is a blessing that should be preserved and respected as God intended.

Learn More