Mystery Loves Georgia

Mystery Loves Georgia
December 2020
12:00 PM PST
December 2020
06:00 PM PST
GOAL $50,000.00
105.5% REACHED!

About Our Auction

Thanks to writers, readers, and other FOM (friends of mystery), we've gathered a ton of great auction items. Happy browsing!

If you'd prefer to donate directly to our fund:
* for U.S. citizens:
* for International:

* Payments for winning bids will be made as donations to ActBlue. The auction site will not collect money.
* We'll do our best, but can make no guarantees that auction items will arrive before Christmas. A printable certificate will be available for gifting purposes!

About Mystery Loves Georgia

We’re crime fiction writers who believe all eligible voters deserve to have their voices heard. We’re organizing an auction to benefit Fair Fight (shout out to Romancing The Runoff and fellow author Stacey Abrams) in support of the United States Senate runoff elections in Georgia on January 5, 2021. All proceeds will support Fair Fight’s efforts to combat voter suppression.

Learn More