QuickStart Early Intervention for Autism

QuickStart Early Intervention for Autism
June 2024
06:00 PM EDT
June 2024
09:00 PM EDT
GOAL $7,000.00
114.0% REACHED!

About Our Auction

A big thank you to Greenspon Granger Hill Lawyers for sponsoring our Auction!

At QuickStart Autism we want children and families get help right away!

We know how important early intervention is and we want to help as many families as we can.

Through supporting our auction you get some amazing items - from our amazing donors - and we get to help children and families. It's a win-win for everyone.

You can make a difference by bidding often and sharing our auction with your family, friends and colleagues.

Here's the difference you can make:

“It was clear from our very first call that the QuickStart team was passionate about the work that they do. Shortly after our initial call, we received a second call letting us know that QuickStart would fund R’s diagnostic assessment. I cried tears of joy after I hung up the phone. We were on our way to getting our son the supports that he needed- the supports that would change his life.”
Parent 2023

QuickStart is a registered Canadian Charity # 81455 1669 RR0001 located in Ottawa, Ontario

About QuickStart Early Intervention for Autism

What does QuickStart do?

We offer funding assistance for a diagnostic assessment for children up to 24 months of age. This is life-changing for the child and family.

Right now in Ottawa the wait-time is 24 months, that's 2 years, for a diagnostic assessment for a child. We feel that's way too long!

Currently we are funding 6 diagnostic assessments a month for young children ($12K). Assessments are completed within 3 to 4 months -...now that's a game changer!

We help families navigate the system and provide them with information so they can make the best choices for their child.

Other programs:
We offer Sensory Santa - where an autistic person has the opportunity to see Santa too.

We offer respite stays and expert workshops.

We receive no government funding and depend on your generosity.

QuickStart is a registered Canadian Charity # 81455 1669 RR0001 located in Ottawa, Ontario

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