PS184M Shuang Wen Silent Auction 雙文學校的春節籌款拍賣

PS184 Shuang Wen School Parent Teacher Association
February 2024
06:00 PM EST
February 2024
09:10 PM EST
GOAL $50,000.00
48.9% To Goal

About Our Auction

About Our Fundraiser

PS184M Shuang Wen School is very excited to announce our seventh annual Lunar New Year Silent Auction!

We wish to thank all the donors who provided items for the auction, and for the love and support in this community for our public school.

This fundraiser will be held exclusively online, starting Friday February 2nd at 6:00pm and ending on Sunday February 11th at 9pm.

Please share this auction website link with your friends, colleagues, and family. Bidders are welcome to participate in a few possible ways: live bidding or proxy bids. Some items also have a "buy now" option. Good luck with your bid!


我們想感謝所有拍賣會物品的捐贈者, 並感謝社區對我們公立學校的熱愛與支持。

本次籌款活動將獨家網上於2月2日(星期五) 下午6點 開始, 至2月9日(星期日)晚上9點結束。

請與您的朋友、同事和家人分享此拍賣會網站的鏈接。歡迎競標者通過以下方式參與 :現場競標或代理競標。 有些物品也有「立即購買」選項。 祝你好運!

About PS184 Shuang Wen School Parent Teacher Association

Thank you so much for visiting PS184 Shuang Wen School’s 2023 fundraising auction!
PS 184 Shuang Wen School is a unique New York City Mandarin/English dual-language public school, for students from Pre-3's to Grade 8. Parents created the Shuang Wen School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) as a 501c3 non-profit charitable organization, and the PTA is led by parent volunteers.

Thanks to the support of many families, friends, and generous local businesses, PTA fundraising has accomplished so much to improve the quality of student life at Shuang Wen.


雙文學校是紐約市公立學校唯一的育幼班至八年級的中英雙語。 雙文學校家長教師協會(PTA)為非營利性慈善組織,是家長創意與志願者領導。


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