故乡旋律 Silent Auction

Helen Tang Real Estate Team
November 2023
11:00 PM EST
November 2023
08:00 PM EST
GOAL $20,000.00
137.0% REACHED!

About Our Auction

Welcome to the "Sweet Homeland Silent Auction”!
We are raising funds to support the Solarium Project of the Chinese Unit at Glebe Center. All proceeds will contribute to enhance the living environment for Chinese seniors. Join us in making a difference!
Our fundraising goal is $20,000 CAD, and your support can help us achieve this milestone.
Every bidder receives an HT team 2024 calendar, plus a chance to win great door prizes, including Google Hub, Mary Garland Facial wash & toner, and 5 tickets to the Sweet Homeland 10th Anniversary Charity Gala.
Make a bid, make an impact!
欢迎参加故乡旋律慈善拍卖!本次拍卖活动拟募集资金$20000,将全部用于Glebe Center养老院华人层的太阳房项目。特此诚挚地邀请广大社区朋友们积极参与竞拍,以支持社区的发展!所有竞拍者都将获得唐博地产2024年历一份!更有机会赢取Google Hub(1个)、玛丽嘉兰洗面奶和爽肤水(1套)和故乡旋律10周年慈善晚会门票(5张)等精美礼品!众人拾柴火焰高,让我们一起努力,为社区发展贡献力量,也为我们的老人献爱心!

About Helen Tang Real Estate Team


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