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About Our Auction
Supporting Seattle Children's Stanley Stamm Summer Camp
100 children with chronic medical conditions gather this summer for the 59th Annual Seattle Children’s Dr Stanley Stamm Camp. We are committed to providing this special and unique experience at camp now and in the future. Your donation will help us continue this incredible program.
Please take the opportunity to support and donate to make this happen!
DIRECT DONATIONS: https://give.seattlechildrens.org/give/296451/#!/donation/checkout
About Dr. Stanley Stamm Summer Camp Guild
The Stanley Stamm Camp Guild is a group of people who love camp. It was formed in 1997 and supports the Dr. Stanley Stamm Seattle Children's Hospital Summer Camp, which gives children with terminal or chronic medical conditions the opportunity to enjoy summer camp for free. Many guild members are former campers, volunteers or friends and family of people who have benefited from the Stamm Camp experience. The guild hosts several fundraising events each year and is located in Seattle. Membership is open to all.