Truckers Against Trafficking Silent Auction

Truckers Against Trafficking
November 2020
06:00 PM EST
December 2020
07:03 PM EST
GOAL $5,000.00
28.7% To Goal

About Our Auction

Walmart TO 7816 and 6823 are partnering with Truckers Against Trafficking to raise awareness for the fight against human trafficking. Truckers Against Trafficking is a nonprofit organization devoted to empowering and educating industry members on how to recognize and disrupt human trafficking networks. Stay engaged or join us by participating in the virtual tour and then visit the silent auction and place a bid on some of our exciting items donated by Walmart and win yourself or a loved one a gift just in time for the holidays. Proceeds go directly to Truckers Against Trafficking.

About Truckers Against Trafficking

TAT) began as an initiative of Chapter 61 Ministries in 2009. TAT became its own 501c3 in 2011. As an anti-trafficking NGO in the broader abolitionist movement, Truckers Against Trafficking believes …

· TAT believes prostitution is inherently exploitative, and when an individual is prostituted through force, fraud, coercion, poverty, abuse at earlier stages of life, and/or lack of viable options, they should not be punished for being exploited.

· TAT believes it is important to always treat victims with dignity and respect, and never as criminals or perpetrators.

· TAT believes law enforcement can and must play an important role in interrupting and combating human trafficking. Success in this role requires a victim-centered approach that demonstrates through all words and actions that they value the dignity of each of the individual victims they encounter.

· TAT believes all possible measures should be taken to prevent the re-exploitation of victims/survivors by those attempting to help. Victims should never be coerced into providing testimony and evidence, whether the coercion is implicit because of the manner of the interaction with authorities (and the inherent power imbalance) or explicit because a quid pro quo (e.g. detention v cooperation) was presented.

· TAT believes victims should be presented with meaningful options for services (housing, job skills training, medical services, counseling/mental health services, transportation, etc.) that will help them get out and stay out of the life, but should not be manipulated or forced into accepting those services … in the end, the survivor has to choose, and that choice must be respected.

· TAT believes education and awareness about the realities of prostitution, porn, and sexual violence are key to shifting cultural and societal views that will protect victims and survivors and create opportunities for long-term impact. This is especially important for those in positions with a high likelihood of encountering victims (transportation, justice system, law enforcement, education professionals, healthcare workers, etc.)

· TAT believes effective survivor services and education/awareness require viable funding streams; public and private sector donors should increase funding allocated to these activities that are essential in the fight to eradicate sex trafficking.

· TAT recognizes that traffickers and their operations are often intentional, coordinated and organized; therefore, TAT believes successful measures to combat this heinous crime must involve multidisciplinary groups of stakeholders (survivors, law enforcement, service providers, advocates, etc.) working together to create realistic and effective solutions, in order to protect victims and bring traffickers and buyers to justice.

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