Counting On You To Help Us Count The Monkeys!

Titi Conservation Alliance
November 2015
08:00 AM CST
November 2015
09:03 PM CST
GOAL $25,000.00
24.1% To Goal

About Our Auction

Thank you in advance for your support! This is our Third Annual Online Auction and an important source of funding for our projects. This year we aspire to complete a physical count of the Titi Monkey population. The last population count was completed in 2001, the year Titi Conservation Alliance was founded, and the statistics are now outdated. The population count is necessary in order to have a firm understanding of the current state of the endangered species and to better understand our efforts and role in supporting and protecting them.

In addition to counting monkeys, the funds raised will support our reforestation programs in the Naranjo River Biological Program (65,000 trees planted and counting) and our Environmental Education Program (currently in 16 elementary schools).

Titi Conservation Alliance is a nonprofit organization that works to restore the habitat of our flag species Saimiri oerstedii citrinellus, known as the Titi Monkey or Squirrel Monkey, which can be found on the IUCN list of endangered species. To this end, we concentrate our efforts on reforestation and environmental education in the Central Pacific Region of Costa Rica.

Can we count on your support to help us count the monkeys?

¡Contaremos Titis!
Esta es nuestra tercera edición de la subasta en línea y estamos recaudando fondos para realizar nuestro Conteo de Monos Titis. La última vez que se contó la población fue en el año 2001. Necesitamos contarlos para ver nuestro impacto y comprender el estado de estas especies amenazadas. Este es el principal evento de recaudación para hacer realidad este proyecto y además, para fortalecer nuestros programas de Reforestación en el Corredor Biológico Río Naranjo (65.000 arboles plantados hasta la fecha) y de Educación Ambiental (actualmente en 16 escuelas primarias). TCA es una organización sin fines de lucro, que trabaja en restaurar el hábitat de nuestra especie bandera Saimiri oerstedii citrinellus, conocido como Mono Tití o Mono Ardilla y la cual se encuentra en la lista de la UICN, de especies en peligro de extinción. Nosotros, concentramos nuestros esfuerzos en restaurar los ecosistemas del Pacífico Central costarricense, por medio de reforestación y educación ambiental.

¿Contamos con su apoyo?

About Titi Conservation Alliance

Since 2001, Titi Conservation Alliance has been working to preserve the biodiversity of Costa Rica's Central Pacific region through habitat reforestation, environmental education and sustainable development. TCA's efforts have been essential for the survival of the endangered grey-crowned squirrel monkey (titi monkey), whose only habitat worldwide is found in this region.

In 2012, TCA was awarded with a "Making a Difference Award" by the county's Chamber of Industry and Commerce. Our main strength lies in truly working as an alliance with the public and private sectors, as well as our local communities.

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