02:00 PM CEST
11:00 PM CEST
About Our Auction
I will be doing an online auction sale of 15 of my drawings done on A4 craft stamped envelopes.
The new owner of each envelope will receive it by mail.
All profits of this auction will go towards Association Aurore, that does outstanding social work to help people in the margins of society.
Recently Association Aurore launched a national campaign to support their actions towards families, isolated people and refugees in France victims of Covid-19.
I have never sold any of my drawings, and have people regularly asking to sell them. So I thought this could be a good reason and time to do so.
Instagram: @felipeoliveirabaptista
Association Aurore helps people in precarious situations to reach autonomy via shelter, health care and professional insertion. Its activities span multiple domains: patrols and outreach services, sheltering of people struggling with addictions, social and professional insertion for long-term unemployed or handicapped people, care of individuals in very precarious circumstances, help to abused women and other people in psychological distress.
L'Association Aurore accueille et accompagne vers l’autonomie les personnes en situations de précarité et d’exclusion via l’hébergement, les soins et l’insertion professionnelle. Ses activités sont multiples : maraudes, accueil et hébergement de personnes en situation d’addiction, activités de réinsertion sociale et professionnelle à destination de personnes en rupture d’emploi ou handicapées, hébergement et accompagnement de femmes victimes de violences, soins de personnes en situation de précarité, hébergement et accompagnement de personnes en souffrance psychique.