12:00 PM CDT
12:00 PM CDT
About Our Auction
Welcome! Use the "View All Items" button on this page to look over all of the wonderful donations from our members and friends and then BID! You can see the actual items in the Gallery at church from now through April 28.
Your support of our annual auction will ensure that we can continue to offer dynamic programming at our church.
Bidding online begins Sunday, April 14 at noon
Bidding online ends Sunday, April 28 at noon
About Unitarian Church of Lincoln
The Unitarian Church of Lincoln's convenant, as a welcoming congregation, is to inspire a sense of awe, joy and reverence in people of all ages. We celebrate through words, music and the arts. We actively model an inclusive, diverse, and sustainable community. We each contribute to the work of the church. We provide a safe and nurturing haven for free thought. We treat each other with loving kindness. We cultivate growth and celebrate the changes growth brings.