Victor Emanuel Luncheon 2016 Silent Auction

Travis Audubon Society
September 2016
12:00 PM CDT
October 2016
12:15 PM CDT

About Our Auction

Even if you can not attend the luncheon, you can support Travis Audubon by bidding on items on our SILENT E-AUCTION! The auction is open to all but the only way to play is by using your smart phone, computer, or tablet.

CREATE YOUR ACCOUNT NOW, view the items, and get ready to lift your virtual bid paddle starting Tuesday, September 20 at 12:00 PM.

Feel free to share this with others who may be interested.

About Travis Audubon Society

Travis Audubon is the oldest environmental organization in Austin, founded in 1952. Our goals are to create bird friendly communities through education and outreach and to conserve precious habitat for birds and other wildlife.

Learn More