First English Lutheran ONLINE Silent Auction 2022

WELCA's Christkindlmarket
October 2022
06:00 AM CDT
October 2022
11:45 PM CDT
GOAL $2,700.00
119.7% REACHED!

About Our Auction

The Women of the ELCA at First English Lutheran Church (Whitewater, Wisconsin) conduct an annual Christkindlmarket. This year, the fundraiser will take place inside the church as well as out in the parking lot on November 5th, 2022. The ONLINE Silent Auction, that takes place earlier from October 10th - 31st, is part of this fundraiser.

Monies raised assist charities in the local area as well as in the larger world.
They include:
-Bethel House
-Lutheran Social Services
-ELCA World Hunger Appeal
-Whitewater Food Pantry
-Lutheran World Relief (shipping fund)
-Twin Oaks Shelter for the Homeless
-Lutherdale Bible Camp
-Lutherdale camper scholarships
-Campus & Community spaghetti suppers
-Women of the ELCA
-Seminary scholarships

About WELCA's Christkindlmarket

A Christkindlmarkt is a European street market held during advent with a history that goes back to medieval times. At these markets, farmers came to town to shop and to offer their wares.

Villagers bought and sold homemade Christmas decorations and traditional handicrafts, such as hand carved nutcrackers and straw ornaments. Linens were also sold at Christkindlmarkets.

From open-air stalls, food and drink were served. The early markets were usually held in front of churches and were looked at as part of a church visit.

The name, Christkindlmarket, can even be attributed to Martin Luther. He suggested that children exchange gifts because of das Christkind, the Christ Child.

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