Bids Against Abuse

WoMen's Rural Advocacy Programs, Inc.
October 2021
08:30 AM CDT
October 2021
04:00 PM CDT
GOAL $1,500.00
164.1% REACHED!

About Our Auction

Your Donation towards our Silent Auction will mean so much as we help victims and their children:

$25: A gas card can be provided to victims and children, as they flee domestic violence. They often need help with transportation expenses to get to a safe place or meet with a WRAP advocate.

$50: A gift card to a local store, for basic needs, is provided to victims and their children. When people flee domestic violence they often leave everything behind. WRAP provides items such as diapers and wipes, toothpaste, laundry soap, clothing, etc.

$100: Safe shelter and food for 1 night can be provided. As people are fleeing, they often need a safe place to stay until they can work with a WRAP advocate.

$200: Help a victim and their children, by supplying a deposit for utilities, as they restart their lives in a new home.

$450: Provide a victim and their children four nights of safe housing, in a hotel as they flee from violence. All food and personal care items are provided for the family during this time.

$650: One month’s worth of rent for the WRAP safe house, which is located throughout the Lincoln, Lyon, Redwood, and Yellow Medicine Counties. A victim and their children are able to stay up to 29 days at a secured house, as they work on progressing forward.

Our goal is to raise $1,500 this year and you can help us reach it.

About WoMen's Rural Advocacy Programs, Inc.

WoMen’s Rural Advocacy Programs, Inc. (WRAP) is supported and recognized by the State of Minnesota Office of Justice Programs as the designated domestic abuse program to serve victims of domestic abuse in Lincoln, Lyon, Redwood, and Yellow Medicine Counties in Southwest Minnesota. Starting October 1st, 2023 WRAP will be the designated sexual assault program to serve victims of sexual assault in Yellow Medicine County. WRAP is also funded by the Minnesota Department of Health to provide services to victims of sex trafficking through the Safe Harbor Program.

The mission of WoMen’s Rural Advocacy Programs, Inc. (WRAP) is to provide safety; advocacy, and assistance for those victimized by domestic violence and sex trafficking/exploitation in Southwest Minnesota; as well as community awareness through prevention and education. WRAP promotes social change through equality, honesty, and an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect.

WRAP has 3 offices in a 4 county service area:

WRAP- Lyon, located in Marshall
WRAP- Lincoln, served out of Marshall
WRAP- Yellow Medicine, located in Granite Falls
WRAP- Redwood, located in Redwood Falls

• 24-Hour Crisis Line: Access to an Advocate, day or night, to discuss options or be a listening ear
• Safe Housing: Offer and discuss options for short and/or long-term emergency safe-housing
• Emergency Transportation: Provide access to transportation options to ensure safety and security
• Legal & Court Advocacy: Assist with the completion and filing of restraining orders, attend hearings with clients, inform clients about the court/legal process, act as a form of support, and help process the outcome of the hearing afterward
• Safety Planning: Assist with setting up a personalized, practical plan that includes ways to remain safe while in a relationship, planning to leave, or after
• Information and Referrals: Connect those with self-identifying needs to resources and support services to help them get through, over or under hurdles they are facing
• Support Group: Support groups are available to those who have experienced abusive relationships. This can be in a group setting or one-on-one
• Community Education: Raising awareness about domestic violence & support services available for individuals and their families
• Systems Coordination: Walking alongside of individuals, helping them to navigate their way through resources /community resources and or the court/criminal justice process
• Referral and Resources for those of Color: Access to culturally specific resources

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