Toasts & Texts: A 10th Anniversary Gala

Bookends & Beginnings
July 2024
08:00 AM CDT
July 2024
02:15 PM CDT

About Our Auction

Over the past ten years, we have grown from a tiny shop in a hard-to-find alley into being “Evanston’s Iconic Bookshop,” a two-storied community establishment with a bar and packed events. We are so grateful for our patrons' continued support, which allowed us to keep selling books through battles with Amazon, the pandemic, and an emergency move. Since our relocation to the new storefront on Orrington, we're still paying off the costs of moving and renovation. We hope that these special items will find the right homes-- and your donation helps us to keep selling good books!

About Bookends & Beginnings

Bookends & Beginnings is an independent bookstore that's been serving the readers of Evanston, Illinois, since 2014. In 2023, we were forced to relocate from our original "speakeasy" location in Bookman's Alley to our current storefront at 1620 Orrington Ave. With the community's help, we survived the move and created a beautiful new store, but we're still paying off expenses that grew out of the loss of our affordable lease in the alley.

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