09:00 AM EDT
05:00 PM EST
About Our Auction
The 2021 Jacob Climo Award honors the scholarship and mentoring of AAGE past-president Jacob Climo, whose research focused on intergenerational relationships, the ethnography of memory, aging and elder care around the world, grandparents parenting grandchildren, and narratives about aging parents. Priority will given to applicants who focus on these topics.
About AAGE & Interest Group on Aging and the Life Course
The Association for Anthropology and Gerontology (AAGE) and the AAA Aging and the Life Course Interest Group work to promote research and teaching in the anthropology of aging and the life course. To this extent it promotes the work of young anthropologists who might have an interest in this important focus within anthropology. For AAGE check out:
and Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/anthrogeron/
Join the AAA Interest group on Aging and the Life Course when you renew your AAA membership – Its Free as a AAA member - the Interest Group Communities Page:
and Interest Group Web Page: http://agelc.americananthro.org