02:00 PM MST
09:00 PM MST
About Our Auction
Thank you for being here! This Cody's Friends Holiday Auction is to help us raise the critical funds necessary to continue purchasing pet food for thousands of pets whose families are in dire need plus 48 human service agencies that depend on Cody's Friends for pet food. The price of pet food has increased dramatically and the number of people in need that come to Cody's Friends has skyrocketed while donated pet food has fallen to an all time low. Cody's Friends distributes more than 20,000 pounds of pet food monthly to families in need in Pima County. Your dollars are more important now than ever before. 100% of what you purchase from this auction will go to buy pet food for pets in need.
About Cody's Friends
Cody’s Friends is a 501(c)3 non-profit located in Tucson, AZ. Now, more than ever before, we need your help to feed pets in need!
100% of the proceeds from this auction will go to purchase pet food.
Thousands of families in need with pets depend on Cody’s Friends for over 22,000 pounds of pet food monthly when they come to our weekly pet food distributions. In addition, Cody’s Friends has partnered with more than 50 human service agencies such as food banks, soup kitchens, first responders, veterans' organizations, women’s shelters and more that also depend on Cody’s Friends for pet food. They act as our satellite outposts so that if someone is in need anywhere in Pima County, they will have easy access to pet food from Cody’s Friends at their neighborhood food bank. If people can’t feed their pets, they often either surrender them or give them what little human food they have.
Cody's Friends was started in 2011 by then 5th grader, Cody Allen. He did a report about John F. Kennedy and read his quote, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Cody started asking what he could do to help his country. In one afternoon, he came up with a plan and a name. While Cody's Friends started very small and is still grassroots with our 20 volunteers, it's also grown to become a major resource for everyone in need with pets in Southern Arizona.