Firestone Falcons All Sports Boosters 2022

Firestone Falcons All Sports Boosters
March 2022
At Midnight EDT
March 2022
07:00 PM EDT

About Our Auction

The monies raised in our 2022 Reverse Raffle and Auction will go directly towards upgrades in equipment in the Falcon Fitness Center. As we continue to grow and develop our strength and conditioning program we’ve identified specific needs and that’s what’s makes your participation a worthwhile endeavor-

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our Student Athletes and Firestone!

Falcon Pride

About Firestone Falcons All Sports Boosters

Firestone Falcons All Sports Boosters is dedicated to providing the Student Athletes of Firestone the resources needed to be competetive on the court, field or in the pool. We at FFASB fill gaps in funding when needed. We're responsible for capitol improvements and enhancements above and beyond what Akron Public Schools can provide by engaging our community partners and those who support Firestone Athletics. Visit us at

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