Gimli Bible Camp Discipleship Fundraiser banner image

Gimli Bible Camp Discipleship Fundraiser

Gimli Bible Camp
October 2021
07:00 PM CDT
November 2021
10:18 PM CDT
GOAL $10,000.00
23.2% To Goal

Gimli Bible Camp Discipleship Fundraiser

Christian Bible Camps are very effective at bringing hope into Children's lives, giving them a safe place to be kids and often helping them find a personal relationship with Jesus. BUT, the issue is that we only get these kids for a week, what about the rest of the year?! At Gimli Bible Camp, we are very passionate about discipleship and follow-up with our campers. We have a full time discipleship coordinator, Jael, who does an amazing job connecting with our campers and families throughout the year. On top of that we are hoping to run 4 discipleship weekend retreats throughout the year. We want to get these kids back to Gimli Bible Camp for a weekend, and intentionally disciple them along their faith journeys.

All money raised in this auction will go towards the discipleship retreats and our discipleship program!

Help us support those who are new to the Christian Family!

About Gimli Bible Camp

Gimli Bible Camp was created in 1928 by Canadian Sunday School Mission, now known as One Hope Canada. Our mission is to present the Gospel to those having the least opportunity to hear of Christ and especially to children and youth, and we disciple believers for living and serving through His Church. Its our mission which fuels the desire to run this fundraising auction sale!!

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