Max's 11th Birthday Bash Fundraiser

Maximilian Schuster Foundation
June 2024
09:00 AM MDT
June 2024
09:00 PM MDT
GOAL $11,000.00
28.2% To Goal

About Our Auction

To commemorate Max's 11th birthday, our goal is to raise $11,000 in the Enbridge Tour Alberta for Cancer, to support the amazing work of the Alberta Cancer Foundation. From ground-breaking research and clinical trials (including those that will help pediatric patients), to patient financial assistance, critical tools and equipment and more, ACF is committed to providing more moments and more hope to those facing cancer.

About Maximilian Schuster Foundation

The Maximilian Schuster Foundation was created in memory of our beloved son Max who passed away from leukemia. He taught us many lessons in life, especially through his fight and we want to continue his legacy by helping others find joy during challenging medical journeys and despite setbacks, always live to the Max.

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