In Full Bloom Spring Picnic 2024

In Full Bloom Spring Picnic 2024
April 2024
05:00 PM CDT
April 2024
10:00 PM CDT

About Our Auction

This auction is to raise additional funds for St. Luke's Day School as part of the Spring Picnic fundraiser. The auction will remain open until 10pm on April 26th so you have a chance to get your final bids in!

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About In Full Bloom Spring Picnic 2024

St. Luke's Day School Spring Picnic Fundraiser takes place on April 26, 2024. Proceeds from the 2024 Spring Picnic will primarily be used to benefit our three Nature Explore Certified Outdoor Classrooms. Equipment on each of our enriched and beautiful outdoor play areas has been faithfully repaired time and time again. Additionally, every year a portion of the money raised is earmarked for scholarship assistance to help our students in need. Underwriting donations, like yours, account for more than half of the funds raised by the Spring Picnic. These funds will go directly to support these important projects, which cannot be funded through tuition alone.

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