09:00 AM CST
09:00 AM CST
About Our Auction
Due to receiving items for the Silent Auction that could not be put out that day. We are posting these items in time for the holidays! The items are varied in content but each were donated with the desire to help support our faith community. Enjoy the eclectic mix of items!
About Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church
We have an Annual Block Party that helps support offsetting the costs of hosting the event. This in turn keeps prices lower so that all may enjoy themselves for a reasonable amount. It also is a part fundraiser for the everyday operation of the parish.
Part of the Block Party is a Silent Auction. We have received some items this year that weren't available or suitable to be put out for the Silent Auction. We are so appreciative of the support of the area businesses that have donated to us! We want to honor their generosity by holding this online auction to offer their generosity to a larger audience.
Bid high and often!