Strengthening Our HEART Gala Silent Auction banner image

Strengthening Our HEART Gala Silent Auction

Saint Rose of Lima
January 2023
08:00 AM EST
February 2023
10:00 PM EST
GOAL $20,000.00
71.4% To Goal

Strengthening Our HEART Gala Silent Auction

Welcome to our first Strengthening Our HEART Gala Silent Auction. Our goal is to raise $20,000 to support our Hospitality, Evangelization, Accessibility, Restoration and Teaching (HEART) initiatives here at St. Rose. This year's auction will open at 8 a.m. on Saturday, January 21, 2023 and will remain open until 10 p.m. on Saturday, February 4, 2023.

All proceeds raised through your participation will directly support these initiatives, allowing St. Rose to purchase new course materials for our religious education programs, continuing to fund programs, like the community garden, that in turn support our neighbors in need, and so much more.

We appreciate you taking the time to support our parish and wish you luck on winning some amazing items that have been graciously donated by many wonderful people and organizations.

God Bless You!

A message from Father Juan

About Saint Rose of Lima

We Are the Body of Christ
The Community of Saint Rose of Lima parish endeavors to be a Christ Centered family. We, therefore, commit ourselves through spiritual, education and social action, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to love one another as He has loved us.

We are a Stewardship Community
We share our Time, our Treasure and our Talents with each other as we journey together through our lives and through the signposts of our religion. Stewardship makes us better Christians because we choose to follow the Way of Love which is always generous.

Learn More

Thank You to Our Corporate & Parish Sponsors!

Participating Sponsors
Friends of St. Rose Sponsors