US Boats To Gaza

US Boats To Gaza
October 2020
10:00 PM PDT
October 2020
10:00 PM PDT

About Our Auction

Dear friends of Gaza and Palestine,

Due to COVID-19, the 2020 US Boats to Gaza/Freedom Flotilla sailing has been postponed until 2021. In the meantime the US Boats to Gaza is sponsoring an art auction to raise awareness of the Israeli blockade of Gaza and to raise funds for the sailing. Our theme for 2021 is “For the Children Gaza.”

We invite you to participate in the art auction.

Along with participating in our auction, please consider visiting our website, USBOATSTOGAZA.ORG, to look at updates on the situation in Gaza, webinars, and to make further donations.

Thank you for your continued support in helping to break illegal Israeli blockade on Gaza.

We Will Sail until Palestine is Free.

In Solidarity,
US Boats to Gaza Team

About US Boats To Gaza

US Boats to Gaza is part of the Freedom Flotilla Coalition, an international coalition of organizations from 14 countries dedicated to breaking the illegal Israeli blockade of Gaza. We work to send boats to draw international attention to the illegal Israeli blockade and to show solidarity with and bring hope to the people of Gaza.

Learn More