Bid on Peace

World BEYOND War
July 2024
09:00 AM EDT
August 2024
11:45 PM EDT
GOAL $10,000.00
34.9% To Goal

About Our Auction

War is one of the largest threats to the sustainability of our planet and the human race. With wars happening and expanding across the globe and threats of nuclear war looming, it is critical that we work to end all war now and upend our reliance on militarism in favor of a just and sustainable peace. This is what World BEYOND War is working towards. However, the war machine is pervasive and permeates most economies and industries across the world, making traditional funding pipelines difficult for us to access and secure. That's why we rely heavily (and primarily) on individual donors to help build peace across the globe. This auction is just one way we hope to engage and grow our donor base and connect those in our movement. By bidding on an item in this auction, you are not only walking away with a fabulous experience, art piece, or item, but you're contributing to a growing global movement committed to ending the devastation caused by war - the proliferation of which feels especially rampant these days.

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About World BEYOND War

Founded in 2014, World BEYOND War (WBW) is a global grassroots nonviolent movement of volunteers, activists, and allied organizations advocating for an end to war and the establishment of a just and sustainable peace. We aim to create awareness and support for ending war and to develop that support by advancing the idea of abolishing the institution of war. In doing so, we strive to replace a culture of war with an alternative global security system based on peace and diplomacy.

With a presence in 198 countries, we have 39 chapters in 28 countries, and 103 affiliate organizations. With this network, war is now being confronted by a strategic popular resistance which makes us well positioned to continue building the movement to end all wars.

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